

From ‘Purpose’ to ‘Pay it Forward’

What exactly is purpose, and how do we achieve it? How can we align our purpose so it informs our actions and leverage it to positively influence our colleagues, friends and families? By exploring these questions, this workshop encourages you to reflect on what brings meaning to you, both at work and in your life […]

The Value of Reflection

Our lives are filled with events, experiences, and challenges, and reflection is key to unlocking the learning from these situations. This session will look at the value of reflection and steps you can take to reflect and learn from the positive and challenging experiences.

Energise Me

Understanding your own energy levels is critical for personal engagement and productivity, but also for supporting and motivating those around you. This interactive session explores how you can focus on your energy, particularly during times of change or adversity.

Personal Purpose

This thought-provoking session will support you in identifying your purpose through thinking about your short- and long-term goals, and how you might go about achieving these.

Building Resilience

This session will explore the importance of resilience during times of change and how to practice resilience in different emotional states, we also explore the best practices to build systemic resilience in your teams.

The 100-Year Life

This session will explore the changing demographics within the workplace and their implications, as well as look at assets and tips for planning an extended working life.


This session will explore what we mean by wellbeing and encourage you to discover what enables your wellbeing, as well as discover tips for managing stress.

Confidence & Resilience

This session will help you understand what influences your self-belief and will offer practical ways to build personal resilience, helping you stay focused on your individual value and worth.

Buying & Selling

This session will explore the psychology of buying and selling whilst linking back to the value of goal setting, providing tools and techniques to enable you to effectively drive performance and achieve individual, team and organisational objectives.

Passion, Drive & Excellence

This session will focus on developing and fostering passion, drive and excellence as part of your career vision.
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