Blog: September in review

EDIT Development September blog

September is one of the busiest months for Edit Development. We have a wide range of activities taking place globally, from the UK to Toulouse, Kuala Lumpur to South Africa and Dublin to Copenhagen covering a variety of learning experiences from digital inclusion, women in leadership to transformational change programmes on how humans interact with Artificial Intelligence!

We are also excited to see a relaunch of the Edit Mentoring Exchange (EMX) this month.  EMX is our cross-business mentoring platform, built in collaboration with our clients, for our clients. Through peer matching, EMX aims to develop knowledge and sharing across both individuals and organisations to support, stretch and challenge individuals, teams and businesses.  Our new EMX website will host a variety of virtual tools and resources for partner organisations along with a creative space for networking. Check us out at
National Inclusion Week also features in September (24th – 30th September) and is an annual opportunity to raise awareness of inclusion at work.  The theme this year is Everyday Inclusion and focuses on how you can embrace small changes to help make everyday inclusion a reality in your workplace. 

The final good news from us is that we have just launched our new franchise in Africa, EDIT GROW Africa focused on developing a stronger diverse pipeline of talent in the region and across sectors. We have been working on this partnership for over a year and know that we are going to do some amazing work in South Africa and Nigeria in particular during 2019.

For more information on how we might be able to support you and your organisation, visit our website and follow us on social media @EditDevelopment.