
Management Development

Transition Into a New Manager

This session explores ways to become an employee-centric manager, focusing on core capabilities such as listening, recognition, decision making, and problem solving.

Appraisals & Managing Performance

Inclusive and effective performance management is a core skill for people managers. This practical session looks at how you currently manage performance and employee appraisals, and best practices for having meaningful review and appraisal discussions with your teams.

Setting Team Goals & Priorities

This session considers the benefits of setting team goals and priorities, and how to do this more effectively for your team/s as you move forwards.

Creating Psychological Safety in your Team

Enabling psychological safety within teams, environments and situations improves individual engagement. This session will explore what we mean by psychological safety and tools and tips for creating a safe and open environment for your team especially in a time of change and uncertainty.

Effectively Delivering Virtual Training

Designed specifically for in-house trainers or facilitators, this session enables and empowers these individuals to consider their virtual and hybrid delivery style and how to better and more positively impact their audiences.

Creating Virtual Learning Content

As hybrid working for many becomes the ‘new normal’, this session aims to support your internal teams specifically to design and develop impactful virtual learning / training content, enabling translation from face-to-face experiences to virtual and hybrid engagement.

Developing & Delivering Virtual Training

As hybrid working for many becomes the ‘new normal’, this session aims to support your internal learning and development teams to develop and deliver impactful virtual and hybrid content, considering factors such as engagement, interactivity, and accessibility.

Ethical Leadership

This session explores the concept of ethical leadership and provides best practice for enabling ethical behaviours in our working and leadership styles in an authentic way.

Nurturing versus Assertive Leadership

This session will support you in exploring your unique style when it comes to leading individuals and teams. Understanding more about your style, the strength this brings, and how to flex it when needed is critical for enabling high-performing teams.

Building Resilience

This session will explore the importance of resilience during times of change and how to practice resilience in different emotional states, we also explore the best practices to build systemic resilience in your teams.
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